You may promote your fanart work only once in the comments of your own submission.
Do not include self-promotion in the title of a post. Limit your number of submissions to 5 original submissions per day. Do not troll, post in all caps, use excessive adult language, type in indistinguishable sentences, etc. Do not repeatedly post the same content or post content within a short period of time.
English is the default language of this subreddit and all posts must be kept in this language. Submissions not directly relating to Gargoyles will be removed.
All submitted content must be directly linked to Gargoyles and properties. Hate speech, the use of slurs, personal attacks, racism, trolling, excessive use of offensive language and all caps, and other unpleasant behavior will not be tolerated and will result in a ban. Respect other users and follow Reddiquette. Character arcs were heavily employed throughout the series, as were Shakespearean themes. The series is credited for its relatively dark tone, complex story arcs and melodrama. Viene en una caja de ventana de fácil visualización con solapa de apertura."Gargoyles" tells the tale of a clan of nocturnal creatures by the same name who forge an unlikely bond with a human detective in 1990's New York City and beyond. ¡La figura de acción Thailog mide 8 pulgadas con una envergadura de 16 pulgadas! La figura presenta articulación completa, incluso en alas y cola, y viene con muchos accesorios: maletín con dinero extraíble, pistola de bengalas y cabezas y manos intercambiables. Thailog fue creado con material genético robado al líder del clan Goliath como resultado, es tan fuerte e inteligente pero completamente malvado gracias al adoctrinamiento subliminal de Xanatos. ¡Ha vuelto la hora de las Gárgolas! Posiblemente la mejor caricatura gótica de la década de 1990, las gárgolas siguieron a un antiguo clan de gárgolas transportadas al Manhattan actual cuando se reubicó su castillo escocés.